McA Science
The unique power of the McIntosh archive is its capability for simultaneously representing closed and open magnetic structures over a long time period (Figures 1 & 2). Closed-field regions include sunspots, plage, and, if magnetic shear/twist is concentrated at the polarity inversion line (PIL), filaments. Of particular note on a global scale are polar crown filaments, which at times extend nearly 360 degrees around the sun at high latitudes. Open-field regions manifest as unipolar coronal holes, which, depending on solar-cycle phase, may appear predominantly at the poles or as isolated structures at lower latitudes.
The completion of the full McA digitization will provide the community with a comprehensive resource for addressing key questions including: How do active longitudes vary within and between solar cycles, for both closed and open magnetic features? Where are closed and open magnetic features rooted (as evidenced by rotation rate), and how does this depend on solar cycle phase, feature lifetime, and latitude? How does the evolution of open and closed magnetic features relate to surface flows on solar-cycle time scales? Answering any or all of these questions has important implications for our understanding of the solar dynamo, and for our interpretation of periodic variations of Earth's space environment and upper atmosphere.