Alin Paraschiv and Philip Judge present CLEDB, a single point inversion algorithm for determining magnetic parameters using spectro-polarimetric measurements of emission lines formed in the solar corona. We select lines of interest and construct databases for combinations of plasma thermal and magnetic configurations. The method is intended to be applied to two or more lines observed simultaneously. The solutions initially yield magnetic orientation, thermal properties, and the spatial position of the emitting plasma in three dimensions. Multiple possible solutions for each observation are returned, including irreducible degeneracies. The magnetic field strength is separately derived from the simple ratio of observed to database polarization data, after the thermal properties and scattering geometry solutions have been determined.
CLEDB 2-line magnetic inversion algorithm flowchart. An important aspect is the delivery of multiple possible solutions for each observation at the last step. Note that the x-coordinate of the point in space, as well as nearest electron density, are returned along with B. The figure uses the notation Vobs and Vdb for observed and computed values of the amplitudes of the Stokes parameters corresponding to O3 and S3 (B = 1) in the text.