JGR Space Physics: Using the latest coupled geospace model MAGE (Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment) and observations from Jicamarca ISR and ICON IVM instrument, we examine the pre-reversal enhancement during geomagnetic quiet time period. The MAGE shows comparable PRE to both the Jicamarca ISR and ICON observations. There appears to be a discrepancy between the Jicamarca ISR and ICON IVM with the later showed PRE about two times larger (~ 40 m/s). This is the first time that MAGE is used to simulate the PRE. The results show that the MAGE can simulate the PRE well and are mostly consistent with observations.
MAGE simulations of the equatorial vertical ion drifts (black vectors along the magnetic equator) at 23:49 UT. The MAGE simulated ExB meridional ion drift (IVM definition) sampled along the ICON satellite track (black line above the satellite track shown as the dashed line) and the IVM observed ExB meridional drift (lime or magenta vector) from 23:15 to 23:55 UT. The magenta vectors are values near 2349 UT. The PRE is visible in the simulated equatorial vertical ion drift and in both the MAGE simulated and ICON observed ExB meridional ion drifts along the satellite tracks . The background shows the nmf2 from the MAGE simulation.