On the importance of interactive ozone chemistry in Earth-System models for studying MLT tidal changes during sudden stratospheric warmings
Thermospheric composition O/N2 response to an altered meridional mean circulation during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings observed by GOLD
Impacts of binning methods on high-latitude electrodynamic forcing: static vs boundary oriented binning methods
Quiet-time Day-to-day Variability of Equatorial Vertical E×B Drift from Atmosphere Perturbations at Dawn
Day-to-day variability of pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical ion drift in response to large-scale forcing from the lower atmosphere
Global-scale Measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission Implementation: Instrument Design and Early Flight Performance
Preliminary Evidence of Madden-Julian Oscillation Effects on Ultra-Fast Tropical Waves in the Thermosphere